Company History
Braibanti History
Immediately after the Unification of Italy, the magistrate and notary public Giuseppe Braibanti, a figure known in town by the affectionate nickname of Peppo, owned a mill at Valera, on a branch of the Naviglio Taro canal, whose waters then flowed into the Abbeveratoia hollow and further north merged with those of the Galasso canal. The Naviglio Taro was an extremely ancient waterway and may have been built before the year 1000. Originally, it derived from the Taro River at Ozzano, then over the centuries the right bank was eroded and the current inlet at Oppiano was built. It followed the road from the Taro ford, connected in summer between Collecchiello and the Noceto zone and Medesano, and led to town through Vicofertile.
Voiello History
Since the XVIII Century, Torre Annunziata was the economic center of a multitude of villages and towns where the activity of pasta making flourished. “The white art” as it’s still referred to in that restricted area that includes the municipality of Pagani, Castellammare, Cava dei Tirreni, Angri, Nocera, Gragnano and Scafati.
Actually, the dry pasta production in the area of Naples has even more ancient roots. Already in the XIII Century Amalfi, just like Genova and Palermo, used to produce dry pasta to provide the merchants ships’ crews with long lasting food. But it was Ferdinando I to encourage a production that, for these times, could be considered industrial
Pandistelle History
Since 1983, when Mulino Bianco launched its first cocoa breakfast biscuit, Pan di Stelle has entered the public imagination, binding its own image to the magic of dreams. In 2007, Pan di stele becomes an independent brand and it designs new products, always characterized by the presence of cocoa and nuts. Here a synthesis of the most significant steps of the thirty years journey of Pan di Stelle.