On March 15th Ovidius de Barillorum, Pietro’s son, born on 26 February 1531, Master of the Guild of Bakers of Parma, with four of the most important bakers signs the Capitoli della Società per fabbricare il pane venale (“Chapters of the Association to make saleable bread”) necessary to feed the city.
The Agnesi Pasta Factory is founded in Pontedassio (Imperia).
On May 3rd Pietro, future founder of the Barilla Pasta Factory, is born in Parma to Ferdinando Barilla, known as Luigi, and to Angela Julia Lanati.
Ennio Braibanti registers at the Chamber of Commerce the Braibanti Pasta Factory at Valera, at the gates of Parma.
On July 27th Pietro Barilla senior marries Giovanna Adorni, Giuseppe’s daughter.
Pietro Barilla senior (1845-1912) opens a bread and pasta shop in Parma, in Strada Vittorio Emanuele no. 252.
Teodoro Voiello founds the Giovanni Voiello Pasta Factory in Torre Annunziata, near Naples.
On March 4th Riccardo Barilla is born, third-born child, Pietro and Giovanna Adorni’s first son.
On August 9th Gualtiero is born, Pietro and Giovanna Adorni’s second son.
The Fratelli De Cecco Pasta Factory is founded in Fara San Martino, in the province of Chieti.
Pietro senior buys a second bread and pasta shop.
To defend himself from his creditors, Pietro is forced to sell the second shop and register the workshop in Strada Vittorio Emanuele in his wife’s name. Riccardo begins to work for the family company.
On November 27th Gualtiero, after more than three years of military service, is discharged and begins to work in the Pasta Factory, taking care of the commercial sector.
The first project is to extend the Pasta Factory in Strada Vittorio Emanuele. Preference is given to renting a vast building out-of-town from Giovanni Gabbi. In February, Barilla takes part in the first International Exhibition of Modern Industry in Rome, winning its first gold medal. Barilla has 30 employees and produces 3 tons of pasta a day.
Riccardo (1880-1947) and Gualtiero (1881-1919), Pietro senior’s sons, take the reins of the Company. The new factory in Via Veneto is built. Emilio Trombara is appointed to design the new Corporate trademark. On July 29th Gianna is born, Riccardo and Virginia Fontana’s first daughter. The shops in Strada Farini (“Branch no. 1”) and in Via Saffi (“Branch no. 2”) are opened.
Pietro Barilla senior dies on August 17th.
On April 16th Pietro is born, Riccardo and Virginia’s second child and first son. Barilla takes part in the Verdi Exhibitions, by mounting a kiosk at Parco Ducale and a photographic exhibition in its shop in Via Farini. Giovanni Gabbi’s building is purchased. Barilla has around 80 workers and produces 10 tons of pasta a day.
On July 6th Giovanni (Gianni) is born, Riccardo and Virginia’s third child and second son.
On May 17th Gualtiero Barilla dies, who bequeath to his sisters his share of the Company. Riccardo buys his sisters’ shares and runs the Company with the help of his wife Virginia. Barilla has 300 workers and produces 30 tons of pasta a day.
Erberto Carboni designs the Barilla Calendar for 1922. It is his first work for the Pasta Factory.
The architect Camillo Uccelli carries out the extension of the Pasta Factory in Via Veneto.
The architect Camillo Uccelli designs a project for the new Werner & Pfleiderer continuous bread ovens bought by Riccardo in Germany.
On May 14th in the porter’s lodge at the Pasta Factory, Padre Lino Maupas (1866-1924) dies, a Franciscan, Chaplain of the Prison and the Reformatory, Apostle of Charity and Riccardo’s friend. On July 8th a plaque in his memory is placed at the entrance of the factory. Adolfo Busi illustrates Barilla Calendar for the year 1925, printed in Bologna by Chappuis.
During the celebrations for the coronation of the Madonna di Fontanellato, Barilla horses pull the cart with the image of Our Lady and Gianni acts as page of honor for the Bishop of Trento.
The Cuoco volante (“Flying Chef”) appears in the Company’s advertising, and virtually becomes a second brand used until the eve of World War II.
Barilla sets up a stand at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome in occasion of the First National Wheat Exhibition.
Barilla’s stand at the International Exhibition in Turin, designed by the architect Mario Bacciocchi, is awarded the Bronze Plaque and is published on a promotional postcard.
Inauguration of the spectacular Barilla shop in Via Cavour in Parma, a jewel of cabinet making designed by the architect Mario Bacciocchi.
On July 30th the construction of the new complex for the Barilla Bakery in Via Veneto begins, designed by Camillo Uccelli. On December 28th Filippo Tommaso Marinetti publishes the Manifesto della Cucina Futurista (“Manifesto of Futurist Cuisine”) in the Turin newspaper “Gazzetta del Popolo”, in which pasta is banned.
In October Barilla takes part with its own stand, which is awarded a gold medal, in the Second National Wheat Exhibition in Rome.
The architect Karl Elsasser of Stuttgart designs the layout of the new offices and Riccardo Barilla’s house in the old rooms of the Casa di Cura Monguidi e Vecchi (“Nursing Home Monguidi & Vecchi”).
An agreement is reached with the Galbani Company of Melzo to share a commercial network in the East African colonies.
Pietro, Riccardo’s son, joins the Company as Commercial Manager.
Barilla installs six Braibanti continuous presses, to join the first one purchased in 1936. Giuseppe Venturini designs the new Barilla trademark and the new poster Pasta su pentagramma (“Pasta on a pentagram”). Barilla pasta “Fosfina” is the first entirely packaged pasta to be sold. In April Pietro goes on a business trip to France, where he visits several pasta factories.
The Pasta Factory in Via Veneto reaches its greatest expansion before the war. The futuristic Calendar created by Erberto Carboni is published, using the photomontage technique. Riccardo is given the title of “Cavaliere del Lavoro” (“Knight of the Order of Merit for Labor”). Pietro organizes a business trip to the United States, but on August 25th he is recalled for military service in the 97th Motorized Unit.
In January, a shop window to promote the Pasta Factory is fitted out at the offices of the daily newspaper “La Stampa” of Turin. Pietro leaves for the Russian front. Barilla has 800 employees and produced 80 tons of pasta a day.
Gianni Barilla and Gabriella Dalcò get married on October 16th.
On April 3rd Gianni and Gabriella’s son Riccardo junior is born. In May Pietro returns to Parma on leave. In September he prepares to return to the front. He is admitted to hospital in Udine. He is transferred to Rome. Barilla, thanks to military requirements, is managing to produce up to 100 tons of pasta a day.
After the armistice on September 8th Pietro is back in Parma.
Riccardo Barilla is seized by the Partisans.
On May 10th Pietro is arrested, wrongly accused of being a collaborator. After five days, he is set free thanks to a petition signed by 600 of his employees.
End of food rationing. On July 9th Riccardo Barilla dies.
In January Pietro goes on a business trip to the United States.
The Industrial Bakery is closed. Barilla concentrates on the pasta business. On April 1st Manfredo Manfredi joins the Company. On October 2nd Barilla wins the “Golden Palm for advertising” for the campaign Con pasta Barilla è sempre Domenica (“With Barilla pasta it’s always Sunday”) created by Erberto Carboni.
In December, Parma is the venue for the Convention of Neorealist Cinema, financed by Pietro Barilla.
On October 19th Pietro marries Maria Maddalena (Marilena) Da Lisca.
Restructuring works begin on the historic factory in Viale Veneto in Parma. The entire pasta production is packaged in new boxes designed by Erberto Carboni. Barilla takes part in the main international food fairs. First releases of the “Palatina” magazine, edited by Roberto Tassi and financed by Pietro Barilla.
Barilla takes part in Carosello (Italian TV advertising show) with Giorgio Albertazzi. On July 30th Guido is born, Pietro and Marilena’s first son.
Dario Fo is called to act in the Barilla Caroselli in the series Il Ballista (“The Big Liar”).
Barilla becomes a Joint-Stock Company with Gianni and Pietro Barilla as Directors. On May 12th Luca is born in Milan, Pietro and Marilena’s second son.
On April 20th Paolo is born, Pietro and Marilena’s third son. On August 31st Riccardo junior dies, Gianni Barilla and Gabriella’s son.
Manfredo Manfredi is appointed General Manager.
A new factory is built in Rubbiano di Solignano (near Parma) for the production of bread substitutes. Barilla returns to the production of bread, which had ceased in 1952, with the breadsticks sale. Italian singer Mina is the outstanding testimonial – for five years – in Barilla Caroselli and Valerio Zurlini directs her in the first series.
Antonello Falqui, the great director of the Italian RAI TV variety shows broadcast on Saturday evenings, directs Mina in Barilla Caroselli.
Piero Gherardi, Federico Fellini’s costume designer, directs Mina for two series of Barilla Caroselli.
The construction of the new factory in Pedrignano starts, along the Milan-Bologna Highway. On April 8th Emanuela is born, Pietro and Marilena’s daughter. In June, Pietro Barilla is awarded the title “Cavaliere del Lavoro” (“Knight of the Order of Merit for Labor”).
Barilla pasta undergoes a metamorphosis and the Lippincott & Margulies studio adapts the brand and transforms the look of the boxes. On February 14th Barilla France is set up. Enrico Sannia directs Mina in some advertising at the Bussola club in Viareggio. In December, in Italy the national distribution of Barilla Sauces begins. The range includes meat sauce, vegetable, mushroom and clam sauce and will expand in subsequent years.
Valerio Zurlini directs Mina in her last series of Barilla Caroselli. Some of the film sequences feature Mario Ceroli’s sculptures contemporary artists’ paintings.
January: Gianni and Pietro Barilla give up the controlling share of the Company to the American Multinational W.R. Grace, which intends to create an important food pole in Europe. Pietro remains on the Board of Directors as Chairman, Gianni is Vice Chairman. Manfredo Manfredi is Chief Executive Officer.
Mauro Bolognini directs Massimo Ranieri in the series Prova del Fuoco (“A Trial by Fire”) of Barilla Caroselli.
Barilla acquires the Voiello Pasta Factory in Torre Annunziata (Naples). The series of Barilla Caroselli with Massimo Ranieri continues, in which he sings in the most beautiful squares in central-southern Italy directed by Richard Lester, the Beatles’ director.
Barilla acquires the Basile Mill in Altamura (Bari), considered to be the largest mill in Italy.
The Mulino Bianco bakery product line is launched. Gianni Barilla moves definitively to Switzerland. The well-known folk singer Raoul Casadei makes two series of Caroselli for Barilla Alla difesa delle buone tradizioni (“In defense of good traditions”) directed by Enzo Trapani and Florestano Vancini.
On September 7th Virginia Fontana Barilla dies. Pietro and Gianni leave the Barilla’s Board of Directors. Manfredo Manfredi is the Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
July: after long and complex negotiations, Pietro Barilla buys back the majority of shares in the family Company from W.R. Grace. The administration and accounting, purchasing and information system departments are transferred from Viale Veneto to the new 3,900 square meter office complex at Pedrignano, where 230 people are employed. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 249.5 billion Lire, with a workforce of 2,036 employees.
Pietro Barilla becomes Chairman, Henry Warendorf and Walter Wurth are Vice Chairmen of the Board of Directors. Luca Barilla enters the Company. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 344 billion Lire, with a workforce of 2,137 employees.
The new TV campaign Barilla… e ritrovi il gusto del mezzogiorno (“Barilla… and rediscover the flavor of midday”) is launched; created by TBWA, it highlights the reappearance of the family theme. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 456 billion Lire, with 2,245 employees.
Official inauguration of the monument Campi di grano (“Wheat Fields”) by Pietro Cascella at Pedrignano, «to celebrate a hundred years of work» (Pietro Barilla). Guido Barilla enters the Company. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 609 billion Lire, with a workforce of 2,488 employees.
The long-term sponsorship of Roma football team begins, destined to last until 1993; the team wins the Italian football league championship in the same year. Barilla purchases the Foggia Pasta Factory, with a production capacity of 200 tons a day on seven lines. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 764 billion Lire, with a workforce of 2,834 employees.
In February, the two-stage teaser campaign, an unusual phenomenon in Italy, by TBWA entitled Barilla vi fa sentire sempre al dente (“Barilla makes you always feel al dente”), begins. Paulo Roberto Falcao, star player in Roma football team, is a testimonial in the commercials for Barilla pasta. Michele Rinaldi, world motocross champion in the 125 class and Italian champion in the 250 and 500, is sponsored by Barilla. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 1,034 billion Lire, with a workforce of 3,017 employees.
The central position of pasta is relaunched with important advertising campaigns: “High Society – Rigatoni” by Federico Fellini and Dove c’è Barilla c’è casa (“Where there’s Barilla there’s home”), by Young & Rubicam. “Hymn”, by Greek singer Vangelis, is used as the soundtrack of the new Barilla TV campaign. The packaging also evolves, redesigned by Vittorio Mancini, with the appearance of the forkful of pasta. Barilla purchases the Termoli Mill, with a milling capacity of 380 tons a day. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 1,204 billion Lire, with a workforce of 3,425 employees.
Pietro Barilla receives the “De Gasperi” Award. Barilla purchases the Matera Pasta Factory, with a production capacity of 180 tons a day on seven lines, later to be expanded in 1989. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 1,381 billion Lire, with a workforce of 3,811 employees.
Barilla acquires the Braibanti Pasta Factory in Parma and the Laboratori Riuniti in Milan with the Le Tre Marie brand. The San Nicola di Melfi plant is built, with two production lines for bakery products. On September 26th Pietro Barilla is awarded an honorary degree in Economics by the University of Bologna. The Barilla internationalization process begins to take shape, which, up to the early nineties, will be reflected in engaging important testimonials for the European countries, including Gérard Depardieu, Plácido Domingo, Steffi Graf and Stefan Edberg. The Barilla Historical Archive is set up. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 1,634 billion Lire, with a workforce of 5,107 employees.
Guido and Luca Barilla become Vice-Chairmen of the Board of Directors with Walter Wurth. Barilla donates the teaching complex of the Faculty of Engineering to the University of Parma. Barilla sponsors the San Remo Festival of Italian Song. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 1,800 billion Lire, with a workforce of 5,400 employees.
Barilla takes over the Panem and Buralli brands. The Dutch architect Bob Noorda designs the huge Barilla blue totem pole at the entrance of all the Group’s plants. For the second year Barilla sponsors the San Remo Festival of Italian Song. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 2.068 billion Lire, with a workforce of 6,000 employees.
On November 19th Pietro Barilla receives the “Guglielmo Tagliacarne” Prize for marketing. In October Barilla takes over 49% of the shares of the Pavesi Bakery Company of Novara. After abandoning the peasant saga campaign for Mulino Bianco and leaving Young & Rubicam to go over to the Testa Agency, the adventures of the Famiglia del Mulino (“The Mill Family”) are launched. Launch of Barilla fresh pasta. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 2,401 billion Lire, with a workforce of 6,046 employees.
Manfredo Manfredi is appointed Vice-Chairman with Walter Wurth, Guido and Luca Barilla. Riccardo Carelli is appointed Chief Executive Officer. The internationalization process intensifies. March: the first edition of “Gente Barilla” (“Barilla People”), the house organ for Company employees, is published. April: Barilla acquires Misko, leading producer of pasta in Greece. Barilla Deutschland is set up. Barilla donates the doubling up of the Faculty of Engineering teaching complex to the University of Parma. Paul Newman stars in the Barilla Christmas commercial. Paolo Barilla enters the Company. Voiello sponsors Napoli football team from 1991 to 1994. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 2,754 billion Lire, with a workforce of 6,820 employees.
With an additional 10% shares, Barilla takes over the majority of Pavesi in Novara. On February 24th Gianna Barilla dies, Pietro and Gianni’s sister. On September 26th Pietro Barilla receives the “Italian Champion in the World” Award. The Group balance sheet shows a turnover of 3,327 billion Lire, with a workforce of 8,224 employees.
In January Barilla takes over the remaining 41% shareholding in Pavesi to become sole shareholder. In February the first Barilla commercial office in the USA is opened in Norwalk, Connecticut. On April 16th Pietro celebrates his 80th birthday with a concert, conducted by Riccardo Muti at the Royal Theatre in Parma (April 15th) and the opening of the “Barilla Modern Art Collection” exhibition at the Magnani Rocca Foundation (April 17th). Pietro Barilla dies on September 16th, Guido Barilla becomes the Chairman of the Company. Luca and Paolo Barilla are Vice-Chairmen with Manfredo Manfredi. The new office complex at Pedrignano is opened, covering three floors with an area of 12,500 square meters, and housing the Chairman’s and Top Management offices and central departments, with 400 employees. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,457 billion Lire, with a workforce of 8,379 employees.
January 13th: in the presence of representatives of local Authorities and the Barilla family, the official unveiling of the fountain in Piazzale Santa Croce in Parma takes place, a work by Pietro Cascella that Pietro Barilla had dedicated to the city. Barilla backs the attempt by the cyclist Francesco Moser to improve the one-hour record on the track, which takes place on January 15th in Mexico City. July: the Company acquires 35% of Filiz-Gida A.S., the third biggest Turkish pasta manufacturer. Barilla America and Barilla Switzerland are set up. The new Young & Rubicam advertising campaign, Viva il blu (“Long live the Blue”), is launched. Zucchero Fornaciari appears in the White Christmas commercial. Cindy Crawford and Alberto Tomba are testimonials for Barilla. On December 22nd the record of a hundred thousand tons of pasta exported in a single year is broken. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,293 billion Lire, with a workforce of 7,900 employees.
Edwin Lewis Artzt, former managing director of the American Multinational Procter & Gamble, becomes a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. A huge work of Company reorganization takes place. The Essere low fat content bakery line of Mulino Bianco is launched. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,316 billion Lire, with a workforce of 7,351 employees.
Manfredo Manfredi leaves his role as Vice-Chairman after being at Barilla since 1952, but remains in the Board of Directors. The new group logo and a new packaging for pasta, with transparent cellulose window, designed by Giò Rossi, makes its appearance. The boxes are now smaller. On March 19th Barilla abandons its promotions with the Big Event and adopts the quality at a lower price strategy. On April 12th Barilla takes over Parmamec, a company specializing in the production and sale of vacuum packed cold meats and savory snacks. Selezione Oro, the Barilla top of the range pasta line, is launched. July 26th: an extraordinary meeting approves the Company restructuring project. The operating companies, Barilla Alimentare (pasta) and Barilla Dolciaria (Mulino Bianco), and the distribution companies Barilla Alimentare Dolciaria and Pavesi will become a single organization from 1 January 1997. August: Barilla takes over 50% of Filiz, leading pasta manufacturer on the Turkish market, and becomes controlling shareholder. On December 19th the Company takes over Internex, a company specialized in logistics integrated with transport, which was to change its name on 22 May 1997 to “Number 1 Logistics Group”, with a widespread, multi-channel distribution network covering the entire country. The new egg Pasta Factory at Pedrignano is started up, capable of producing 140 tons a day on 6 lines, using more than 830,000 eggs every day. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,239 billion Lire, with a workforce of 7,216 employees.
New Barilla subsidiaries are set up in Austria (Barilla Austria GmbH, August 1st), Brazil (Barilla do Brasil Ltda, October 20th), Japan (Barilla Japan KK), the UK (Barilla UK Limited), Mexico (Barilla de Mexico SA de CV) and Scandinavia (Barilla Skandinavia Actiebolag of Stockholm, covering Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland).
The head office of Barilla America is transferred from Norwalk, Connecticut, to Chicago. Barilla decides to build its first factory in the USA. On October 13th, the first stone in the Ames, Iowa Pasta Factory is laid. May: Parmafresca, the new fresh filled pasta line, is launched. Alessandro Zanardi, taking part in the PPG Cart Series motor racing world championship, is sponsored by Barilla. Valentino Rossi, world motorcycling champion in the 125 class, is a testimonial for Pavesi Ringo. The Pavesini products have their 50th anniversary. The skipper Giovanni Soldini, sailing singlehanded around the world, is sponsored by Barilla until 1999. He was to become famous in 1998 for beating the world record for a singlehanded Atlantic crossing, from Falmouth in the UK to Charleston in the USA. Edwin L. Artzt leaves the Company. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,434 billion Lire, with a workforce of 7,549 employees.
Sharon Hintze is Group Managing Director from 4 May to 31 October 1998. From November, Paolo Barilla is Chief Executive Officer. Barilla officially announces its decision to stop making fresh pasta, which it had started producing in 1990, known as Parmafresca since 1997. Silvio Fauner, cross country skier and world champion in the 50 km event in 1995, is sponsored by Barilla. Building work on the twin plants of Ames in the USA and Foggia in Italy goes ahead at a brisk pace. Barilla opens up an office in Australia, which also deals with business in New Zealand, New Caledonia and Polynesia. The first Barilla Mexico subsidiary opens in Mexico City. Misko completes the acquisition of the Loulis Mill in Volos, Thessaly. Franca Fiacconi, the Roman marathoner, sponsored by Barilla between 1997 and 1999, wins la prestigious and very difficult New York Marathon in 1998. In the 1998-1999 season, the cyclist Maria Canins wears the Barilla logo in the most important international competitions. On December 12th in Parma, a retrospective exhibition opens on the works of Erberto Carboni, the graphic artist who worked with Barilla throughout the fifties and designed the Company logo, the blue box, the trade fair stands and a famous advertising campaign that was awarded the Golden Palm advertising prize. The Historic Archive assists in the organization of the event. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,694 billion Lire, with a workforce of 7,527 employees.
On April 23rd Barilla completes the acquisition of Wasa, the Swedish company and world leader in the crispbread sector, which would become a part of the Group at the beginning of July. The 120th anniversary of Voiello (1879-1999) is celebrated. Young & Rubicam, which had been working with Barilla on the Italian market since 1985, becomes the Group’s new international advertising agency. June 16th: the twin plants of Ames in the USA and Foggia in Italy are officially opened at the same time, with the event broadcast live over a satellite link. On June 21st the new advertising campaign for the pasta by Young & Rubicam is launched. This marks the return of the historic claim Dove c’è Barilla c’è casa (“Where there’s Barilla there’s home”) with the message focusing on the brand values. Andrea Griminelli and Roberto Molinelli write “Barilla ’99” with a refined, captivating arrangement, which is going to be used as the soundtrack for the new Barilla TV campaign. June 30th: the historic factory in Viale Barilla, formerly Viale Veneto, built in 1910, closes for the last time, after progressive dismantling operations. The demolition work starts immediately, to make way for the new complex designed by the architect Renzo Piano. After months of intense preparations, the Company goes online on July 1st with its website www.Barilla.com. Unione Laboratori-Tre Marie absorbs Panem to set up GranMilano S.p.A., which is no longer part of the Group, even though it remains under the control of the Barilla family. On October 26th the new egg pasta plant New Dry is opened in Pedrignano in the presence of the Minister of Health; using exclusive, patented technology, it produces 8,000 tons of egg tortelli, tortellini and filled pasta. The new Silo, built on the site of the old one to supply the two new lines, has a capacity of 300 tons of semolina. On November 30th the Minister for the Cultural Heritage and Activities declares that the Barilla Historic Archive «is of significant historic interest», as it «bears witness to the development of the food industry in Parma and the evolution of customs in Italy». The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,005 billion Lire, with a workforce of 8,491 employees.
Giovanni Castellucci is Chief Executive Officer from February to December. Paolo Barilla is the new Chairman of AIM, the European Association of Branded Industries, made up of 1,600 manufacturers of consumer goods. He is the second Italian Chairman, after Ernesto Illy. Barilla Alimentare transfers its logistics and distribution branch to the Number 1 Logistics Group Srl, the Group’s logistics Company. The new packaging and Barilla logo designed by Vittorio Mancini are created. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, Mulino Bianco renews its communication and the Testa Agency launches the Favole campaign (“Fairy Tales”). Alessandro D’Alatri and Enrico Bertolino make the film for the launch of the new Barilla filled pasta. A Barilla office is opened in Zagreb, Croatia. On October 31st the extended bakery product plant in Castiglione delle Stiviere is opened in the presence of the Minister for Agricultural Policy. On November 10th Barilla obtains ISO/FDIS 9001:2000 certification (Vision 2000) for the entire Pedrignano complex (offices and plant), the first Company in Italy and one of the very first in Europe to do so. On November 24th the new Greek factory is opened in Theva, to replace the obsolete works in Patras. In December, Barilla Switzerland is awarded the “10,000 Tons Award” for the significant sales threshold achieved. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,074 billion Lire, with a workforce of 7,670 employees.
In February the Learning Center, the Barilla Group’s new training complex, is set up. The agreement is signed for the setting up of the Barilla European Works Council. On May 4th Barilla transfers Parmamec to Parmacotto. July 1st: after a wide organizational restructuring, Gianluca Bolla becomes Managing Director of the Pasta – Gastronomy Global Business Unit (including the Barilla, Braibanti, Voiello, Misko and Filiz brands), while Maurizio Spampinato becomes Managing Director of the Bakery Global Business Unit (Mulino Bianco, Pavesi and Wasa). June: the Mulino Bianco products are launched on the European markets with the Barilla brand and the name Passioni. GranMilano takes over the entire Company capital of Gelati Sanson S.p.A. from the Sanson family. In July, Barilla organizes a pasta party at the concert by the tenor Luciano Pavarotti in London’s Hyde Park. On October 15th Museimpresa, the Italian Association of Company Archives and Museums, is set up in Milan, with Barilla among its founders. The press publishes the results of a national statistical survey, which shows that Barilla is the best known brand name for Italians. In December, Parma becomes the setting for the new Barilla Emiliane films. From December 1st Mikael Hellberg is the new Managing Director of Wasa. A new Wasa advertising campaign is launched in Scandinavia to renew and rejuvenate the image of the brand. In December, a joint venture is formalized with the Herdez S. A. de C. V. Group, Mexican leader in the production, distribution and marketing of food products. This agreement enables Barilla to acquire the Yemina and Vesta brands and their production lines in the Mexico City plant from Kraft Foods, making it the second biggest operator in the Mexican pasta market. The Pedrignano semolina plant reaches a world production record, with 300,000 tons of pasta produced in a year. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 2,202 million euro, with a workforce of 7,425 employees.
Wim Wenders directs the film to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Barilla in South Africa, based on a screenplay by Alessandro Baricco. Barilla takes over Gelit S.p.A., based in Cisterna di Latina, which has operated since 1977 using state-of-the-art technology in the frozen foods and delicatessen sectors. This move is essential for the approach to the eating out market. March 25th: Barilla issues a public tender offer for the German company Kamps AG, European leader in bread production; after reaching an agreement with the major shareholder, the anti-trust authority gives its approval and the move is well received by the stock exchange on July 19th, with the company taking over the controlling shareholding. June: the Historic Archive organizes an exhibition on Italian pasta at London’s Estorick Collection. On the occasion of the Company’s 125th anniversary, Barilla presents special souvenir boxes of pasta showing photographs from the Y&R campaign. July: Emanuela Barilla becomes a member of Barilla’s Board of Directors. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,436 million euro.
The new initiative Casa Barilla starts and it is inspired by the slogan Dove c’è Barilla c’è casa (“Where there’s Barilla there’s home”) and the intent is to build a personalized container to remind one or more pasta boxes. A new pasta-based frozen line of ready meals is launched. A new advertising campaign is designed for it and it is named Il rito (“The rite”) which, with 15 seconds of advertising spot, shows how the single format represents a new tasty experience. A new international communication strategy based on pasta starts: a) in France and Sweden Piccolini – Fontana di Trevi (“Piccolini – Trevi Fountain”); b) Germany, Austria, Switzerland advertising on sauces; c) USA the “Little Secret” spot; d) Brazil and Finland the adaptation of the USA commercial “First Spark”. The new Mexican plant of San Luis de Potosí is inaugurated. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,435 million euro.
Academia Barilla, international project dedicated to the defense, the development and the promotion of the Italian regional gastronomic culture as unique patrimony in the world, is inaugurated. Barilla becomes the pasta brand leader in the USA market reaching the record market share of 19%. Barilla wins the IMD Award as best familiar enterprise. In the Foggia plant the biggest shortcut pasta line in the world and a cogeneration plant are installed. New sauces spot with Steffi Graf as exceptional testimonial. In Germany, as agreed with the German service station chain Tank und Rast, some points for pasta consumption are created. Barilla sponsors the New York Marathon and launches Pasta Plus in the United States. New Barilla testimonials are the Italian singer Laura Pausini and the American ski champion Bode Miller. Mulino Bianco launches a new institutional TV campaign with the slogan Riscopriti genuino (“Rediscover yourself as genuine”). Pangoccioli, a match between bread and chocolate are launched. For the bakery part, some plants are strengthened: Cremona (Pan Bauletto), Novara (ingredients dosage, storage, Abbracci production), Rubbiano (start of the work for a new rusks line). Wasa wins the “Swedish Arts and Business” Award. In the USA the new Restaurants Creations and the new Pasta Plus lines are launched. Barilla sponsors in Flushing Meadows (New York) the “Challenge of Champions”, a tennis show/match between Steffi Graf and Bode Miller. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,675 million euro.
Mulino Bianco brand celebrates its 30th birthday and Barilla opens its plants doors to visitors and journalists. The 40th anniversary of the Rubbiano bakery plant is celebrated too. Mulino Bianco and Pavesi launch new products: Cornetti, Pani da Tavola, Grancereale (Mulino Bianco), Gocciole Extra Dark (Pavesi). The Barilla Laboratory for Food Culture, relevant education project, takes place. Barilla is awarded with the “Business and Culture” Prize in New York which is promoted by the Italian Institute for Culture. Barilla launches its own Ethic Code. The project “Children Hospital” is opened in Pietro Barilla’s name. The Educational Project “1, 2, 3… Go!” begins and it is dedicated to the sports and nutrition education for young people of school age. Barilla sponsors the Alpines National celebration that takes place in Parma. Barilla sponsors Laura Pausini world tour. The American ski champion Bode Miller, Barilla testimonial, becomes ski world champion. The building of Pedrignano Mill begins and it will be inaugurated in 2009. This project is included in a wider investment policy for the productive strengthening of the plants in Italy (Cremona, Novara, Foggia, Caserta, Castelplanio). In the United States, the extension works of the Mill in Ames begin. In Rubbiano the new rusks line and Raggianti line are launched. The Orizzonti pasta line is launched together with the Crea ricette range. New varieties of sauces “Tomato and Provola”, “Tomato and Ricotta Cheese”, “ Tomato and Pecorino Cheese”, “Ragù Contadina”, “Amatriciana”, “Ragù Montanara” are created. Barilla launches a press institutional campaign dedicated to the first course with the testimonies of the employees who work in the pasta and sauces field. In terms of raw materials, the tomato variety named “Scarpariello” starts to be used for its sweet taste and for making an excellent sauce. It is used for producing the Voiello O Sugo (“The Sauce”) (Voiello). Then, the Agricoltore (“Farmer”) spot is launched with the intent of underlining the passion, the devotion and the professional attention from the manufacturing and choice in the raw materials. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,610 million euro.
Barilla gets the Award from the New York Reputation Institute for being the best reputed Company in the world. Barilla takes part in the Torino Olympic Games with Casa Barilla and with Alex Zanardi and Bode Miller as testimonials. Steffi Graf is testimonial of the new sauces advertising campaign in Europe. The new Voiello line launch is combined with a series of investments at Caserta plant. The Barilla brand launches a new whole grain pasta line with an exceptional testimonial: Moreno Cedroni, an internationally renowned chef. Mulino Bianco launches the new press campaign Saper Fare (“Know How”) to highlight the quality and the genuineness of the products. The slogan is Scegli un mondo genuino (“Choose a genuine world”). In the United States in Avon (New York State), some works for the building of the 2nd Barilla plant in the USA start. The educational campaign for sports and nutrition “1, 2, 3… Go!” takes place in Puglia to educate the school-aged kids on a healthy lifestyle. Mulino Bianco launches Grancereale, natural breakfast cereals and fruit flavored, together with the Mulino Bianco Girasoli. Pavesi launches the new line Olivia e Marino and Pavesini, an only 9 calories snack. Wasa launches the new sandwiches. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,117 million euro.
The new Pasta Factory in Avon, New York, is inaugurated. Barilla works for a rationalization of the production framework in Italy both in terms of meal solutions (Caserta and Foggia) and in terms of bakery (Ascoli). Massimo Potenza becomes the new Chief Executive Officer. The football player of Milan team Kakà becomes the new Ringo (Pavesi) testimonial. Voiello launches the new advertising dedicated to the sauce made with the new tomato variety “Scarpariello”. The Barilla organizational structure, which reports to Barilla Holding, includes four sub-holdings: Barilla G. e R. F.lli S.p.A., GranMilano S.p.A., Lieken AG, Harry’s. Pan di Stelle becomes an autonomous brand, independent from Mulino Bianco line. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,245 million euro.
Barilla sets up a new organization structured according to three main pillars: process units responsible for global processes, business units responsible for the development of the brand and of product categories, market units responsible for costumers and distribution channels. During the year, new investments in Pedrignano are planned, one of which is the completion of the durum wheat Mills project in Melfi, Novara, Ascoli and Celle (Germany) plants. In terms of new products whole grain pasta is launched on the American market, soft bread in Italy and in Russia, bakery products in France and in Italy, Wasa line is consolidated in Europe. In the plants of Parma, Caserta and Foggia the cogeneration plants for recycling energy are installed. Barilla sponsors the Verdi Festival. The Chairman Guido Barilla meets the Israeli leader Shimon Peres at the Shimon Peres Center. On June 25th Barilla sells to Sammontana S.p.A. the total share in the society GranMilano S.p.A. On September 7th Barilla sells the Quality Bakers BV society of the Lieken group which works on bakery products. As effect of these actions, the organizational structure moves from four to two sub-holdings: Barilla G. and R. F.lli S.p.A. and Lieken AG. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,535 million euro.
On May 30th the new durum wheat Mill is inaugurated in Pedrignano and it is considered the largest in Europe. In the same year, Mina gets back to being a Barilla testimonial, even if only with her voice. The institutional commercial Il Sogno (“The Dream”) is created through a new Barilla campaign, by Young & Rubicam agency. It is on air in all the main national channels, via satellite, digital and local and Barilla tells the past, the present and the future of the Company. It’s a story made of passion, the story of “a family”, Barilla face. Pietro Barilla tells his dream since 1877, while the images reveals how this has really came true during 132 years of Company history with a big opening toward a strong and positive vision of the future. The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition is founded, a multidisciplinary center that deals with themes related to the environment, nutrition, lifestyles and access to food. Guidelines for the definition of new products are defined following the Mediterranean Diet principles. On 19 September 2009, in San Demetrio de’ Vestini (Abruzzo) the new scholastic citadel for replacing the one destroyed during the earthquake of April 6th is inaugurated. Mulino Bianco launches the new advertising campaign Nel Mulino che vorrei… (“In the Mill that I want…”). The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 4,171 million euro.
In order to better define the new Corporate Identity, Barilla creates the new Corporate brand Barilla. The Italian Food Company. Since 1877. and the new Corporate website www.barillagroup.com. On 6 October 2010 there is the inauguration of the new gym at San Demetrio de’ Vestini, replacing the previous one that was destroyed by the earthquake of 2009. Federica Pellegrini is the new Pavesini testimonial. The industrial investments concern the strengthening of the production lines in Ames, Novara and the improvement and rationalization of the infrastructure of the plants in Pedrignano and Cremona. The process of projecting for the investment in ready sauces starts and it involves the building of a new plant. The new products are Storie di Frutta (smoothies) and vegetables Piccolini. Mulino Bianco is launched in Russia. The first Sustainability Report is published in line with the “Challenges, Engagements and Actions for a Sustainable growth”. This initiative underlines the commitment of Barilla Group for a sustainable and respectful growth towards the people and the environment, in a path of a social responsibility of an organic and structured enterprise. The activity of the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition goes on with several scientific publications that are presented to institutions, entrepreneurs and scientific exponents from which it collects suggestions and indication in order to include these themes, in terms of access to food, environment, lifestyles, nutrition and food, among the focal points of the agenda of politicians and institutions. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,903 million euro.
The works for the building of the new ready sauces plant begins in Rubbiano next to the historic bakery plant. On September 15th the famous Italian singer Andrea Bocelli holds a concert sponsored by Barilla at Central Park in New York. The project “Sì Mediterraneo” is presented aiming at the diffusion and valorization of the Mediterranean diet. New lines in Novara are installed for biscuits and in Cremona for mini-cakes, with the introduction of the steam cooking technology. The Barilla Blue team is created composed of three Paralympic athletes: Fabrizio Macchi, Vittorio Podestà, Alex Zanardi who will take part in the 2012 London Olympic Games. Barilla wins the “Good Egg” Awards for choosing eggs from cage-free hens only. Mulino Bianco launches the new advertising campaign Cantastorie (“Storyteller”) to which a huge range of promotional items is associated, typically objects for the house. The Society Barilla Singapore Pte Ltd is created. The non-operative societies Harry’s Russia and Harry’s Management service are sold. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,916 million euro.
The new sauces plant in Rubbiano is inaugurated and, built in 15 months, it is technologically advanced, efficient and sustainable with high potential. The relation of sponsorship with the ski champion Mikaela Shiffrin begins. Mulino Bianco starts to cooperate with the Spanish actor Antonio Banderas, protagonist of funny talks with the Rosita hen robot. In October, Claudio Colzani becomes the new Chief Executive Officer. The entire participation in the Number 1 Logistic Group is sold. The sale of Liken is launched. Grancereale becomes an independent brand, no more under Mulino Bianco. Barilla Group undergoes to an overall reorganization that involves the passage from a three dimensions structure (Products, Processes, and Markets) to a two dimensions structure (Processes, Regions). Thanks to this perspective, Barilla believes to be able to accelerate the speed of response, the adaptation abilities and the wider use of all the global synergies. Thanks to a correct balance between the global Brand dimension of the product and the local one, Barilla will have to be able to serve a multiplicity of markets, adapting its own vision of Italian gastronomic model in the world without removing the nature of its essential identity. There are three regions: Europe, America (all the continent) and Asia, Africa, Australia. The categories are: meal solutions and bakery. The Company strategy is defined: “Good for You, Good for the Planet”, considered the only way of doing business of the Company. It is fully expressed only if the entire supply chain along which the Group operates is taken into account: from the field from which the raw materials of the products are obtained, to the table of people. It is a way of doing business careful to the wellbeing of who chooses the products, of the Planet and of the Group, which cares of the needs of the community in which Barilla works as a supporting backbone that goes from field to fork. For guaranteeing an excellent Know-How, it is not sufficient to have cutting-edge processes and technologies, but also a future vision on the themes related to food and nutrition. In these terms, the action of the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) is always relevant as it spreads the results reached in the four activity areas: Food for Health, Food For Sustainable Growth, Food For All, Food for Culture. Academia Barilla starts to design the Restaurants projects which starts in the USA in 2013 and it’s an idea based on a modern food providing model but with an Italian offer. Barilla wants to create a Barilla experience that can be extremely pleasant at low costs in order to eat dishes that recall Italy. As consequence of this strategic choice, Barilla undertakes a wide nutritional improving program, coherent with the guidelines established with the support of the Nutrition Advisory Board which brought in 2012 to the reformulation of over 33 products obtaining a reduction of salt and fats. Moreover, to support the development of the products inspired to the Mediterranean Diet the selection and experimentation of ingredients, processes and innovative technologies is carried on. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3.996 million euro.
The Centenary of the birth of Pietro Barilla is celebrated with a performance at Teatro Regio in Parma in which big artists (in the first place, Luca Zingaretti) interpret the extraordinary adventure of Mr. Pietro. For the occasion, Professor Francesco Alberoni writes a book with an interview format to Pietro Barilla entitled Tutto è fatto per il futuro. Andate avanti con coraggio (“Everything is done for the future. Forge ahead with courage”), where the author traces the figure of the entrepreneur through the testimonies of his sons and of his closest collaborators. In 2013, Barilla confirms and strengthens the new Group strategy approved in 2012 and defined “Good for You, Good for the Planet”. Barilla considers this strategy as the only way of doing business and it can be fully accomplished only if embracing the entire Group activity. Barilla does not only offer good products but promotes the wellbeing of the individuals and their families aiming at:
- Offering products that stand out in the market for taste, quality and safety;
- Presenting a range of product constituting a balanced nutritional model inspired by the Mediterranean Model of healthy nutrition.
- Guaranteeing, from the raw materials cultivation to the table, a product life cycle respectful of the economic, social and environmental aspects of all the people and the planet;
- Educating people to conduct healthy lifestyles, promoting a food education and increasing awareness of the environmental aspects;
- Understanding and giving value to the needs, the quality and the rights of each community in which the Group operates, promoting diversity and inclusion;
- The evolution of the Group professional development, encouraging the commitment for the diversity and inclusion fostering the intellectual curiosity so that Barilla People could be ambassadors of the Group identity.
Barilla launches in Italy, USA and Canada the Gluten Free pasta, for which the new lines will be installed in USA. Academia Barilla opens the first restaurant in New York. The new advertising campaign Dove c’è pasta c’è Barilla (“Where there’s pasta there’s Barilla”) starts. The main investments are made in the following areas:
- Increase of the production capacity of the Lyon plant and for the bread sandwich production;
- Investments in innovation of product and packaging in the bakery plants of Cremona and Melfi;
- Conclusion of the works at the Rubbiano sauces plant with investments aimed at the diversification of the formats;
- Improvement of the competitiveness through investments in packaging in the plant in Avon (USA);
- Continuation of the investments in the sustainability field with the improvement of the co-generator in Foggia.
On 21 October 2013, the new automated warehouse in Pedrignano is inaugurated increasing the competitive ability in the Group logistics. On December 1st the first Academia Barilla Restaurant is inaugurated in Manhattan (New York), which has a very positive start collecting favorable feedbacks particularly on the excellent quality of the typical Italian dish, pasta. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,198 million euro, with a workforce of 8,106 people.
The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition becomes Foundation and launches the “Milan Protocol”, a global agreement on Food and Nutrition that will be signed at Expo 2015 and has three main objectives:
- Reducing drastically the food waste;
- Fighting hunger and obesity;
- Promoting a sustainable agriculture.
The document has been presented to the Italian Government during the 6th BCFN International Forum in Milan.
In terms of investments the main are:
- Increasing of the production capacity in France;
- Opening of a new pasta plant in Russia with two new production lines;
- Increasing of the wheat warehousing capacity in Parma and Novara;
- Investing in the launch of a new bakery product: Focaccelle.
- Changing the pasta packaging in the production plants in Pedrignano (Barilla) and in Caserta (Voiello).
New Barilla offices in Shanghai, China are inaugurated. Always from the point of view of the improvement of the sustainability standards, Barilla involved its production partners in the research of durum wheat sustainable cultivation, which reduces the environmental impact while guaranteeing bigger quality control on the wheat itself. The project Guarda tu Stesso (“Look at it yourself”) is launched on the sauces and it allows to show all the passages that bring to the production of sauces in the new Rubbiano plant. The purpose is that of letting the consumer check, without secrets, how the sauce he/she is going to consume is made.
In confirmation of the Barilla innovation-centered policy, for the first time in Europe Google Street View” Indoor is used.
Also thanks to the collaboration with National Geographic six documentary movies are created and dedicated to 6 different types of sauces. The Group of Civil Protection “Barilla Angels” is formed with the objective to give help in case of natural disasters. Two subgroups are formed too: Cooking Group and Medical Group. About 80 Barilla employees take part. The main equipment consists in a kitchen truck able to leave by 4 hours since the emergency call and to prepare up to 500 dishes a day. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,254 million euro, with a workforce of 8,136 people.
Barilla becomes main sponsor of the Italian National Basketball team. Barilla launches the new Barilla Best Pasta Ever, result of a three years research. The actor Pier Francesco Favino becomes the new testimonial for Barilla pasta with the direction of Gabriele Salvatores. Within the Pedrignano Plant, a railway connection is built for supplying directly durum wheat directly to the Mill. The operation allows saving 3,500 annual journeys of trucks a year. On November 3rd of the same year, the first train enters Pedrignano for the first durum wheat delivery. In the USA Pronto is launched, the new way to prepare pasta. There is the opening of the new offices of Barilla America in Northbrook, Illinois, which represent the headquarters of the whole American continent. The largest bakery plant is inaugurated in Chateauroux (France). The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition takes part in the Carta di Milano, presented to the Italian Government in occasion of the 2015 Universal Expo, for an agreement for a healthy and safe nutrition, which satisfies everyone. New Mulino Bianco products are launched: the Nascondini biscuits and Biscottone. The project “Cucina Barilla”, a new business model based on the use of an integrated oven and with a dedicated technology is created with the use of Barilla products sold on-line and delivered at home, for offering to the families the opportunity of preparing a wide choice of convenient and quality products for everyday needs. The Customer Collaboration Center is inaugurated in Parma, a place where it is possible to meet customers in an innovative environment, aimed at making easier the dynamics of relation and development shared by the business. Thanks to technology, Barilla is able to develop more efficiently its activities to remark the importance and central position of the Customer. Academia Barilla opens two new restaurants in Manhattan (New York). In terms of investments the following operation are undertaken:
- Conclusion of the industrial rearrangement of the French plant in Chateauroux;
- Purchasing of a new Gluten Free production line;
- Implementation of pasta production in Russia;
- Strengthening of the production capacity in Lyon;
- Increasing the storage capacity in Bolu (Turkey);
- Reallocation of a new bakery line in the Ascoli plant.
The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,383 million euro, with a workforce of 8,295 people.
Barilla goes on with the internationalization plan in Brazil, Middle East and Russia. Academia Barilla inaugurates two new restaurants in Dubai. In terms of human resources, the importance and the efficiency of the “Smart Working” is consolidated with good effects on the performance and the daily life management of the employees. More than one thousand employees use this innovative instrument that allows them to work at home up to 8 days a month, with benefits in terms of personal costs and environmental impact. As far as the sustainability is concerned, agricultural agreements are stipulated with 5,000 Italian farmers for the cultivation of sustainable raw material with lower environmental impact. This is the result of a Supply Chain partnership that brings to the creation of a Decalogo per la Coltivazione Sostenibile del Grano Duro (“Decalogue for the Sustainable Cultivation of Durum Wheat”). This document is also exported in Greece where, with the University of Thessaly, was made available for local farmers in their language and with some of them a pilot project will start in 2016/2017. In the United States, a similar collaboration is accomplished together with the North Dakota University. The bakery segment changes deeply its productivity logics replacing in many products palm oil with sunflower oil. The investments on instrumental goods are characterized by the following operations:
- Conclusion of Gluten Free Pasta line in America
- Gluten Free crisp breads production line in Germany
- Reallocation of the Chateauroux plant after the closing of Gran Prè with the increase of industrial standards.
- Increasing of Wasa production capacity and packaging quality.
Following the dramatic earthquake that takes place in the Center of Italy during the night of 24 August 2016, Barilla Angels are involved since the first hours to support the population guaranteeing them a daily service of about 120 meals a day, consistently helped by Ascoli plant. The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,413 million euro, with a workforce of 8,420 people.
Barilla celebrates the 140th anniversary from its foundation in 1877. The main event is concentrated on 7, 8, 9 June, with several meeting with the Italian and international press; the focus is not only on the Company history, but also on its mission “Good for You, Good for the Planet”, as only way of doing business. The anniversary is celebrated also in the foreign branches. Barilla deliberates to make 1 billion euro of investments in the next five years to improve its plants.
The main investments of the year are:
- Expansion of the production capability of the sauce plant in Rubbiano (Parma);
- Implementation of two new pasta production and packaging facilities, expanding the wheat storage capacity and extension of the railway transportation of the Ames plant (Iowa);
- Increment of the automatic pallet system and enhancement of the storage and flowing capacity of the automatic warehouse in the Pedrignano plant (Parma);
- Implementation of the new Gluten Free dry breads facilities in the Celle plant (Germany);
- Substitution of a pasta line in the Marcianise plant (Caserta).
The Nutrition Advisory Board, a group of international experts, which has provided support to the corporate teams in areas of nutritional research for years, becomes the Health and Wellbeing Advisory Board, with the aim of guiding the Company towards promoting sustainable diets and healthy lifestyles. Coherently with the strategy “Good for You, Good for the Planet”, the Barilla Group has been committed for year in buying raw materials and packaging materials minimizing the environmental impact and contributing to the wellbeing of the areas where the Company works. The Barilla products are the result of the cooperation with over 1,200 suppliers all over the world, of the usage of more than 800 kinds of raw materials and 50 kinds of packaging materials.
With the support of the Top Management, the Diversity & Inclusion Board, who aims to set challenging goals, supporting a workforce characterized by a high level of diversity and engagement, proposes programs in the communities where Barilla works and continues to lead the cultural change inside the Group.
Mulino Bianco presents two new testimonials: the Italian actors Giorgio Pasotti and Nicole Grimaudo.
Roger Federer becomes the first Barilla Group global testimonial, in a commercial visible in 40 countries simultaneously. The bakery supply chain celebrates 30 years at Melfi plant and 35 years at Ascoli plant.
Wasa celebrates the 50th anniversary of the plant in Celle (Germany).
The plant of Pedrignano (Parma) sets the record of annual pasta production: 326,000 tons.
The Group financial statement shows a turnover of 3,468 million euro, with a workforce of 8,358 people.
Regarding the social inclusion, Barilla wins the Disability Matters Europe Conference & Awards prize for the “Hackability@Barilla” project.
Barilla and Crédit Agricole sign an agreement which allows 5,000 farms to access to direct financing and specific bank services. The agreement is born due to the virtuous path followed successfully by Barilla to support the Italian agriculture, thanks to the three years sector agreements for the production of high sustainable durum wheat.
Barilla and Voiello celebrate the 50th anniversary of the plant in Marcianise (Caserta).
Mulino Bianco launches its bio products line composed by 4 new references (Pastries with spelt and barley malt, Pastries with chocolates drops, Crackers with spelt and Piadina with spelt) created for every flavors and occasions: from sweet to salty, from breakfast to dinner.
The Barilla Bio pasta is launched, made with 100% Italian organic wheat, and the Barilla offer is also enriched with the new sauces made with ingredients derived from organic agriculture, like basil and tomatoes, always 100% Italian: “Tomatoes and Basil” and “Pesto alla Genovese”.
The sponsorships with the American champion skier Mikaela Shiffrin and the basketball male and female national teams are renewed.
Barilla acquires a share of MXO Global Inc., Canadian start up that operates in USA in the 100% bio legumes-based gluten free pasta sector with the brand Tolerant.
The Corporate Venture Capital Trust named Blu1877 in honor of the Company color and the period in which the Barilla adventure started, which provides with investments the most hopeful Food Tech sector start-ups and the ideas born from cooperative innovation projects.
Barilla presents an indication of interest for the acquisition of the plant in Muggia (Trieste) owned by Zara Pasta Factory. The plant has production capacity of 230,000 tons.
Pan di Stelle is charity active in Ivory Coast by supporting the Cocoa Horizon Foundation that helps the cocoa farmers: the project is named “A dream named cocoa”.
The Barilla Group heritage becomes available to all thanks to the new Historical Archive Internet site (www.archiviostoricobarilla.com/en/) online since November 14; a portal museum which preserves the evidences of 141 years of the Company: thousands of photos, films, gadgets, packaging, publications and bibliographical works witness the journey of a food icon of Made in Italy and the changes of the Italian society.
Despite the scenario of economic contraction, in 2019 the Barilla Group continues to grow keeping on to strengthen its global sustainability project – Good for You, Good for the Planet (GYGP) – by intensifying its commitment to improving the quality of all products (starting with Pasta and Sauces), the progressive expansion of the use of fully recyclable packaging and setting carbon neutrality targets for the Mulino Bianco and Harrys brands, without forgetting the steady commitment for Diversity & Inclusion.
With regard to marketing activities, the strategy to support is intensified in relation to: the premium segment of consolidated products (Pasta), highly innovative products (with the introduction of plant-based protein pasta, sauces and pesto), the Group’s global expansion program (Wasa and Russia project) and increased focus on the biscuit segment, in part due to increased competitor intensity, by extending the Pan di Stelle product range.
The main investments are:
1) Expansion of the production and packaging capacity in the factories of Ames, Iowa (USA), Caserta (Italy), Celle (Germany), Solnečnogorsk (Russia);
2) Adapting the production line in Castiglione (Italy) to manufacture Healthy, single-portion biscuits;
3) Expansion of the storage capacity of La Malterie (France) and Pedrignano (Parma, Italy) warehouses;
4) Redesign of the packaging of boxed dry durum wheat pasta in order to make it more flexible and able to meet market demands in terms of quality, achieved through the upgrade of 25 packaging lines across 4 Italian factories;
5) Installation of the new trigeneration plant at the Pedrignano factory, in order to significantly reduce emissions in line with the Group’s mission “Good for You, Good for the Planet”.
In October 2020 the acquisition of Zara factory in Muggia (Italy) will be completed, with an increased production capacity for pasta. The new plant will be the leverage for innovative products.
The American tennis player Cori “Coco” Gauff, young emerging talent in world tennis, signs a sponsorship deal with Barilla.
Research & Development activities
The Group’s commitment to promote sustainable, heathy diet and lifestyle continues in 2019 through research aimed at offering an even wider range of delicious, nutritionally balanced food that encapsulate the Mediterranean Diet. Starting from 2010, more than 450 existing products have been reformulated to improve further the nutritional profile and offer consumers even more products that when eaten as part of a balanced diet contribute to limiting the daily consumption of sugar, salt and saturated fats and increase fiber intake as recommended by international dietary guidelines.
At the Castiglione delle Stiviere (Italy) plant “LA CARTA DEL MULINO” (“THE MILL PAPER”) is presented, a sustainable agriculture charter, realized in cooperation with WWF. The first product realized is the biscuit “Buongrano” made with 100% soft wheat flour from sustainable agriculture.
On October 22nd 2019, Chairman Guido Barilla is named “Cavaliere del Lavoro” by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella: “This recognition is a great honor, which I also accepted on behalf of my brothers Luca and Paolo and which follows the same honor given to my grandfather Riccardo and my father Pietro. I thank all the Barilla People without whom such an achievement would not have been possible”.
2020 will be remembered as the year with the worst recession since the Great Depression due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. The entire world has been affected by the pandemic and Italy has suffered with a large number of victims and the most significant decline in gross domestic product of all the developed countries. Due to its priority in terms of consumption, the food sector suffered less in comparison with other industrial and services sectors, although negative effects were recorded in relation to certain market segments alongside a general fall in profitability. Faced with this emergency, at the end of February the Group pursued two immediate objectives:
- safeguarding the health of all employees;
- consolidating the Group’s production, capital, financial and organizational structure.
Several health centers were immediately set up at all organizational levels; the company’s operations were safeguarded by adhering (where permitted) to smart working, guaranteeing work on site only in the production sectors and ensuring its continuity in maximum safety.
In this context, the Barilla Group still maintained its growth path in 2020, with increased sales volumes and net turnover equal to 3,890 million euro, with an increase of 7% compared to the previous year.
The Group’s action plan was filled with initiatives in a view of long-term growth:
- the production increase was dealt with business rationalization, by concentrating the use of plants in relation to products in higher demand and postponing those investments that were deemed to be not immediately necessary;
- the corporate reorganization process was finalized, with Barilla International Ltd, the Group’s sub-holding for foreign subsidiaries, being located in London;
- even in the pandemic period, the Group confirmed its sustainability objectives through the “Good for You, Good for the Planet” mission, which has guided the company’s strategy in recent years, and the Diversity & Inclusion program: the “Equal pay for Equal work” program, aimed at gender pay equality, was accomplished in 2020;
- in this emergency situation, the Group acknowledged the extraordinary commitment of all of its Employees, expressly thanking them and awarding an extra bonus for the year just ended.
Capital expenditure
In order to innovate products, increase production capacity and improve efficiency, the Group’s investments amounted to 182 million euro during the year, with an incidence of investments on the Group’s turnover equal to 4.7%.
The main investments were:
- the redesign of packaging solutions for dry semolina pasta was completed, through the expansion of 25 packaging lines in 4 plants;
- the project planning of the new integrated mill in the ‘Special Economic Zone’ began in Stupino, in the Moscow Region (Russia), investment that includes the purchase of the land on which the milling plant will be built;
- the increase of production capacity at the Celle plant, in Germany, through installation of a new production line of ‘Wasa Delicate Thin Crispbread‘ in substitution of the only existing line in Filipstad (Sweden), now obsolete;
- the completion of the installation of a new Trigeneration plant at the Pedrignano plant (Parma, Italy), aimed at improving the competitiveness of the production site and significantly reducing emissions, in line with the mission “Good for You, Good for the Planet”;
- the expansion of the production capacity of the Ames production site (Iowa, USA), through the installation of two production lines of pasta and related packaging, aimed at coping with the ongoing business growth in North America;
- the completion of the acquisition of the ex-Zara production site in Muggia (Trieste, Italy), in order to ensure the plant’s continuity and integration, in line with the infrastructural and information technology requirements of Barilla.
“Good for You, Good for the Planet”
To date, four of the Group’s brands have achieved Carbon Neutrality: Wasa was the Group’s first Carbon Neutral brand in 2018, followed by GranCereale and Harrys in 2019 and by Mulino Bianco in 2020.
Brands offset their net emissions by purchasing credits coming from different projects:
- Wasa with a project for rainforest protection in Peru and a renewable energy project in India;
- GranCereale with a forest protection project in Marajo, Brazil, and a project in Italy called “The woods of GranCereale”;
- Harrys with a rainforest conservation project in Brazil and a renewable energy from solar panels project in India;
- Mulino Bianco with a renewable energy production from wind project in India.
Personnel Management during the Pandemic
Global insurance coverage was activated, thus guaranteeing indemnity in the event of hospitalization caused by Coronavirus infection, a convalescence allowance and a post-hospitalization care package to better manage the recovery of health and to provide support to families. In the midst of the emergency, the Barilla People who work in the Plants, while keeping on working, found themselves bearing a further, enormous responsibility: that of bringing some normality, through the company’s products, into the lives of families struggling with the crisis.
The office personnel had the possibility to work from home thanks to years of remote working practice, a way of working that showed its total effectiveness and became a key factor during the crisis for both the Company and its collaborators. Thanks to an agreement signed with the trade unions, a solidarity hour fund was created which gave the possibility to donate holiday leave, up to the limit of individual unused holidays, to colleagues in difficulty who were unable to work remotely and had exhausted holidays and authorized leave during the emergency.
Research & Development activities
Our commitment: the complex social and health crisis caused by the Covid-19 emergency brought back to the forefront of public interest the need to ensure global development that promotes virtuous systems for human health and for the environment. In this context, in 2020 the Group invested euro 40 million in Research & Development activities in order to offer increasingly more products with less sugar, salt and saturated fats content and with a rich fiber content, achieving a total of 476 nutritionally reformulated products since 2009 to date.
Less sugar: in 2020 the activities to reduce added sugars focused on offering increasingly more products with no added sugar or with a reduced content of sugar, both in new products launched on the market or in the iconic products already on the market;
Less salt and improved lipid profile: the actions aimed at reducing the amount of salt and saturated fats, introduced into the body through our products, were also of great significance. Among the new products and reinterpretations of existing products, ten references benefited from this trend.
More fiber: to improve the nutritional profile of our products, a third area of intervention, both in pasta and in the bakery sector, was the introduction and review of numerous products in order to increase their fiber content, in compliance with international dietary recommendations.
Increase in the variety of the offer: last but not least, the activity to enrich our product offer with products featuring a wider variety of ingredients, including DOP ‘Protected Designation of Origin’, and with new organic products, in addition to the launch of single portion products that help consumption of adequate portion sizes and energy intake, was highly innovative. This initiative included among others a new pasta format made with 100% legume flour
(Chickpea Spaghetti) and Cioccofrolle biscuits.
Directors’ Report
The first part of the year was heavily penalized by lockdowns in numerous countries due to the pandemic while the second part saw the relaunch of the global economy. The recovery resulted in fierce demand with a shortage in supply that led to significantly higher inflation than predicted. Within this context, the results of the Barilla Group overall were overall positive, despite having slowed down compared to last year, with lower margins due to inflation and fiercely competitive market conditions.
In 2021 the Barilla Group still maintained its growth objectives in terms of sales volumes and revenue, that amounted to euro 3,936 million, increased by 1% compared to last year which, net of the exchange rate effect, corresponds to a 2% increase.
The Group once again during the year implemented a series of actions in order to consolidate and strengthen its long-term strategy:
- Acquisition of the Canadian business Catelli, which owns Catelli, Splendor and Lancia brands, strongly positioned in those territories, in January;
- Acquisition, also in January, of the British start-up Pasta Evangelists, a fresh pasta and sauces home delivery and in-store business with a multichannel distribution;
- Consolidation of the investment in the Zara pasta production plant in Muggia (Trieste, Italy);
- Preparation for the launch of a new bronze-die pasta range alongside the new design of the Barilla logo;
Capital expenditure
The objectives of product innovation, increased production capacity and improved efficiency gave rise to Group capital expenditure of euro 229 million, of which euro 21 million relates to new contracts for leased tangible assets signed during the year. Capital expenditure represented 5.8% of Group revenue.
The main investments comprised:
- In France the completion of line for the production of crustless soft bread that will allow an increase in production capacity and the replacement of the flowpack packaging machines that will safeguard production continuity and the quality of Doo Wap products;
- 5 new boxed dry pasta packaging lines were installed at the Muggia (Italy) production site and the finished goods warehouse was expanded. The above investments represent a fundamental step in the full integration of the plant, which was acquired in 2020, into the EU pasta Network;
- Completion of the redesign of packaging solutions for dry semolina pasta, in order to meet market demands linked to the premiumization of the Pasta sector, through the enhancement of 6 packaging lines in the Foggia and Caserta plants in Italy;
- The increase in production capacity of bagged biscuits at the Novara bakery in Italy, through the installation of a new packaging line;
- The increase in the production capacity at the Celle plant in Germany, through the installation of a new steel tunnel oven and a new production line for Wasa Delicate Thin crispbread that will result in the closure of the only existing production line in Filipstad (Sweden);
- in Russia the construction project of the new mill in the ‘Special Economic Zone’ in Stupino, in the Moscow area, continued.
- the project to migrate and integrate the Catelli business, which was acquired in January 2021, with the aim of adopting the Group’s personalized systems and models;
- perfecting the migration to the SAP integrated system in the two Russian subsidiaries in order to guarantee the continuity and integration of the respective production sites in compliance with the Group’s infrastructural and IT requirements;
- Completion of the Trigeneration plant at the Pedrignano plant (Parma, Italy), aimed at improving the competitiveness of the production site and significantly reducing polluting emissions in line with the mission “Our way of doing business”;
- The continued expansion of the Ames production site in America, in which a project was finalized that enables a train full of wheat to be unloaded in less than 24 hours with unloading capacity increasing to 500 tons/per hour, aimed at meeting the demands arising from the continued growth in business in North America.
Our way of doing business
The current international context presents businesses with complex challenges that impact our present and will define our future. Amongst the challenges established by the International Community, many are linked to the agro-food supply chain and to consumption models, placing the topic of food products at the forefront of discussions surrounding sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and the Conferences on the Climate represent a reference point for the radical rethinking of systems from the perspective of reducing the impact on people and on the planet on which we live. Moreover, Europe is firmly promoting a plan for sustainable development through the Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy. As a global leader in the agro-food sector, Barilla has a responsibility to contribute to this challenging journey and, for this purpose, on the occasion of its 145th anniversary, Barilla renewed its commitment towards society and the planet. At the foundation of this commitment there is a new purpose that encapsulates in few words the “why” of our way of doing business: “The joy of food for a better life”. A commitment to offer people not just food products but also experience the joy that good food, well made, using quality ingredients can provide them.
Environmental management
Environmental management is an integral part of the Group’s way of doing business. Barilla’s commitment to the environment began almost 20 years ago thanks to, for example, the adoption of the Life Cycle Assessment method that calculates the environmental impact of its products. The Barilla Group constantly works to reduce the impact of its products throughout the whole supply chain through a number of projects including the following:
- agriBosco: 23 hectares of agricultural land surrounding the Headquarters in Parma(Italy), where raw materials are grown sustainably and in balance with nature. A wood with almost 3,000 species of native trees, split between rows and rewooded areas, with nature trails and spontaneous herbs. Due to open fully to the public in spring 2022.
- Collaborations with players involved in the strategic supply chains aimed at employing agricultural practices that are more sustainable and have a lower impact in terms of CO2eq emissions, water consumption and fertilizer use or that favor safeguarding of the soil and biodiversity. Some examples of such tools include: Granoduro.net, a software that provides tangible support to durum wheat farmers in technical agricultural decision making, the Handbook for Sustainable Durum Wheat Farming, the Mulino Charter and the Harrys Charter for the sustainable soft wheat supply chain;
- In order to explore more advanced technologies that enable not only carbon footprint to be reduced but also have a positive impact on carbon capture, an innovative pilot project was launched on the Wasa brand, together with strategic partners, that is based on the principles of regenerative agriculture. The project, which aims to renew the natural ability of soil to absorb CO2eq emissions;
- With regard to our products packaging, the virgin fiber cardboard used for pasta boxes is sourced from responsibly managed forests and 99.6% of all Barilla packaging on the market is projected anddesigned to be recyclable;
- With regard to product distribution, the Barilla Group continues to develop solutions aimed at optimizing flows and reducing environmental impact. In 2021, one such initiative involved the transport of products by rail rather than road from North to South Italy and vice versa, corresponding to more than 5,000 journeys/ year and a saving of approximately 5,000 tons of CO2eq.
To date, four Barilla brands have achieved Carbon Neutrality; Wasa was the Group’s first Carbon Neutral brand in 2018, followed by Gran Cereale and Harrys in 2019 and Mulino Bianco in 2020.
Human capital
The number of employees at December 31, 2021 was 8,727 (8,591), of which 4,259 (4,300) are located in Italy and 4,468 (4,291) overseas. The increase in the number of Group employees compared to the previous year is largely due to the acquisitions in January of Catelli in Canada and Pasta Evangelists Limited in the UK, and the employees of the newly formed UK company Barilla Acceleration Limited. 2021 saw various waves of the pandemic that required the continuous update of the Group’s regulations on access and safety at work, on openings and closings and on the capacity limits of the Barilla offices across all markets in which it operates, but most importantly, this led the Group to rethink strategically the way in which it works on a global scale. The progress of the pandemic and the arrival of vaccines provided the opportunity to reconnect people and places while at the same achieve optimal results from the possibility of working both remotely and in the office. The aim is to develop a working environment based on trust, clarity and achieving targets as key elements of the relations between Barilla employees, with a positive impact on individual responsibility, flexibility and inclusion.
2021 represents another important milestone for the Barilla Group’s Diversity & Inclusion program. The Group received the Catalyst Award in March 2021 in relation to the activities to enhance female leadership in the workplace, eliminating the gender pay gap globally, and increasing the inclusion of all Barilla employees worldwide. It is the first Italian company to win this important award.
Barilla’s commitment to inclusion is motivated by employee passion and participation, in particular the Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), which are volunteer interest groups whose leaders regularly connect with the people responsible for driving the key initiatives that promote greater inclusion.
At january 2021 Mulino Bianco has created special packs of Abbracci biscuits for all the nurses in Italy donating all the proceeds to the Italian National Federation of Orders for Nursing Professions (FNOPI) Solidarity Fund, up to a maximum of €2 million.
Research and development activities
Our commitment: the Group’s commitment to promote balanced lifestyles continued in 2021, with Research and Development activities focused on developing good products that bring moments of joy into people’s lives while at the same time guaranteeing a balanced nutritional content and minimizing the environmental impact. Thanks to this commitment, in 2021 the Group invested euro 39 million in Research and Development activities and to offer even more products containing less sugar, salt and saturated fats and more fiber, resulting in 488 nutritionally reformulated products from 2009 to date (the year in which nutritional reformulation of products commenced).
Less sugars: again in 2021 three new Vero Gusto red sauces (including Tomato, Datterini and Genovese BasilDOP –Denominazione di Origine Protetta – Protected Designation of Origin) and a wholewheat soft bread (Harrys 100% mie Sans Sucres Ajoutés Complet) that have no added sugars have been launched; while a new breakfast products has been lauched (Pancake) with at least 30% less sugar compared to the average for this product category.
Less salt and improved lipid profile: two tomato sauces were reformulated to reduce the added salt and two bakery products to reduce the quantity of saturated fats (including Baiocchi). Furthermore, a new product was launched (Pancake) with 75% less saturated fat than the average for this product category.
More fiber: again in 2021 the Group launched fourteen new wholegrain flour, fiber enriched products across many of its product categories: soft breads, crackers, savory snacks, singleportion biscuits, and pasta (for the Mexican market). Also, three new high fiber biscuits (including the innovative Cecille and Lentille) and six new high fiber products were launched: wholegrain croissants, soft breads, piadine and sweet snacks (including Pavesini Double).
Increase in the variety of products offered: also in 2021 the Group continued to invest in its product range to offer a wider variety of ingredients (e.g., different types of cereals, pulses, dried fruits), each with specific nutritional properties. Barilla’s commitment continued also in respect of consumers that follow a gluten-free diet, through the launch of two new pasta shapes on the Greek market, and those who buy organic products, with the launch of two BIO bakery products on the French market.
Sustainable supply chain management and relations with the local territory
The Group has long been committed to purchasing raw materials and packaging materials that minimize the environmental impact and contribute to the well-being of the territories in which it operates. Barilla products are developed through collaboration with more than 1,300 worldwide suppliers and using more than 800 types of raw materials and 50 of packaging materials. In order to standardize the approach across the different raw material and packaging material supply chains consistent, Barilla established a Sustainable Agriculture Code (SAC), Animal Welfare Guidelines, and Sustainable Packaging Principles. 2021 was an important year. As a matter of fact, the second year of the pandemic has seriously and negatively impacted the logistics’ supply chain and the organization of suppliers’ work. In this context, the supply chains managed with sustainable protocols and supply chain agreements showed great resilience achieving unprecedented results.
As a further proof of the resilience of the supply chain projects that of the basil supply chain, that had already been certified in 2020 in compliance with the ISCC+ sustainability certification scheme, added a further step with the adoption of the Carta del Basilico, The Basil Charter, for 100% of supplies. The Charter helps farmers use more sustainable farming methods with 3% of the land dedicated to areas of biodiversity.
The worldwide ban on the use of cages in rearing egg-laying hen farms continued; Barilla has been a “cage-free” company in respect of the egg supply chain since 2019.
The “Un sogno chiamato cacao”, A Dream Called Cocoa project, to finance sustainability projects in the Ivory Coast, was launched by the Pan di Stelle brand in 2017 in respect of all of its products and was rolled out to all of the Group’s brands, covering 100% of own production volumes at the end of 2020.
99.6% of strategic packaging materials, principally paper and cardboard, plastic materials, glass, and caps, is recyclable and more than 99% of packaging provides recycling instructions for the consumer.
The target of 100% has been pushed back as the latest modifications require various trials and additional workers on the productions lines that is not compatible with the management of the pandemic.
The journey of reducing the use of single-use virgin plastic film is at the beginning, and it will take time as the development of these technologies is in the early stages. However, already in 2022, the plastic film window on the majority of the pasta boxes will be removed resulting in approximately 125 tons of plastic not being introduced to the environment.
The economy performed extremely well in 2022, in Italy GDP almost reached 4% despite the numerous complications that resulted in considerable uncertainty. Inflation was already on the rise from the start of the year with repercussions on business risk; Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 – in addition to the seriousness of this event – impacted not only the significant inflationary situation but for a number of months also led to energy supply issues. The energy crisis affected the majority of Europe, Italy included which in previous years had anchored its energy supply network based on its relations with Russia, which has once again been hit by heavy sanctions. In Italy, salaries that had been stagnant for twenty-five years together with inflation at more than 10 percent that had not been sufficiently offset, led to a fall in demand, reduced disposable income and impacted families’ decision-making regarding expenditure.
The Group once again in 2022 implemented a series of actions in order to consolidate and strengthen its long-term business strategy:
- The launch of Barilla “Al Bronzo”, the new bronze die cut pasta that features an intensely rough and robust texture and amber yellow color attained from a selection of 100% Italian high-quality durum wheat;
- Consolidation of the investment in the Barilla Acceleration Team, a center of excellence aimed at further accelerating the Group’s long-term growth in order to increase its competitiveness in an increasingly digital world through the advanced management of new technologies, new capabilities and new ways of working;
- Investment in the new fresh pasta production plant, which will become operative in 2023 and is part of the Pasta Evangelists business which underwent the partial redefinition of its business model following expansion of its product range;
- The Work@Barilla program continued with the aim of developing an efficient working environment founded on transparency, trust and achieving key objectives such as interpersonal relationships that focus on individual responsibility, inclusion and flexibility;
- The sale of the subsidiary Harry’s Restauration SAS, which manufactures and sells bakery products in France, was finalized on December 2022. The company was sold to a member of the Morato group;
- It was announced in October 2022 that Gianluca Di Tondo, the current Chief Marketing Officer, would take over as Group Chief Executive in April 2023. The current Chief Executive, Claudio Colzani, will step down after more than a decade at the helm and after achieving outstanding results during a highly complex, uncertain and changing time in the Group’s history. The Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors warmly thank Mr Colzani for his contribution and services to the Group.
The Human Capital
The number of employees at December 31, 2022 was 8,747 (8,727), of which 4,189 (4,259) are located in Italy and 4,558 (4,468) overseas. The number of Group employees is largely in line with that of the previous year.
Research and Development Activities
The Group’s commitment to its employees and the environment continued in 2022 through a new business objective, uniting people through the joy of good food for a better life both individually and for the planet. In order to achieve this commitment in 2022 the Group invested euro 42 million on research and development activities starting with the constant reformulation of products to offer consumers products that are better, safer and with an improved nutritional content. From 2010 to date these activities have resulted in the improvement of 491 existing products through a reduction in the sugar, salt and saturated fat content. More specifically, in 2022 this involved the reduction of the sugar content of one snack (Merenda Pan di Stelle), the salt in a crisp bread for the Nordic market (Wasa Ideal Flatbröd) and the saturated fats in a meat sauce developed for the Chinese market (Barilla Bolognese).
Capex Expenditures
In order to achieve the objectives of product innovation, improved efficiency and increased production capacity, Group capital expenditure amounted to euro 230 million, of which euro 22 million relates to new contracts for leased tangible assets signed during the year. Capital expenditure represented 4.9% of Group revenue.
The main investments comprised:
- an increase in the manufacturing capacity of the Italian Sauce plant in Rubbiano (Parma) through installation of a third pesto production line aimed at supporting the growth in the Pesto business;
- the conversion of line 3 at the Celle plant in Germany from the technology required to produce rectangular crispbread to one of small round crispbread, the aim being to open further market opportunities; this together with the prior replacement of the obsolete oven with a new hybrid heat oven, enabled closure of the old n.15 and n.16 lines in Filipstad. This investment is part of the Wasa Goes Global (WGG) program;
- the completion of six packaging lines for the dry semolina pasta Blue Box in the Italian factories in Caserta and Foggia in order to guarantee market competitivity with regard to the premiumization of the Pasta sector;
- the completion of five dry pasta packaging lines (four for the production of short pasta and one for long pasta) at the Italian factory in Muggia (Trieste), with the aim of supporting the forecast growth in pasta volumes over the five-year period 2020-2024. This project represents the second step in the plan to integrate the plant into the EU network of Dry Semolina;
- the replacement of the storage silos that form part of production groups 3, 4 and 5 in the Caserta factory in Italy, in order to guarantee production continuity, increase the degree of flexibility in using these lines and guarantee quality and food safety levels in the short pasta production process;
- the installation of a third short pasta production line at the San Luis Potosi plant in Mexico that will adequately support growth in local business and at the same time reduce production costs compared to the current situation (copackers);
- the start of works for the construction of a new minicakes production line at the Melfi plant in Italy together with the installation of a new Pancake production line. The aim is to expand the range of minicakes and take full advantage of the development potential of Pancakes;
- the replacement of the storage plant of semi-finished short pasta in the Pedrignano plant (Parma – Italy) through installation of 75 mobile silos in order to guarantee operating continuity, food safety and product quality and ensure this is performed in line with both the relevant regulations and the rigorous internal guidelines;
- the commencement of the installation of a new lasagne production line at the Montreal plant in Canada aimed at supporting growth in the business in the United States and Mexico and represents the first step in a wider long-term investment plan.
Signficant events after the year-end
Turkey and Syria were devasted by an earthquake in February. Fortunately, the earthquake did not affect those areas where Barilla has operations consequently no damage took place. However, understandably the commercial activities were affected in the area hit by the quake. An agreement was signed in January 2023 with the American company B&G Food Inc. for the acquisition of the Back to Nature business: the business, founded in 1960, is mainly distributed in America and offers a portfolio of plant based, non-GM, products that largely comprise biscuits, crackers, dried fruit and granola.
As a consequence, the Group has strengthened its long-term strategy aimed at building a platform of multi-brand bakery products in the United States where it is already the leader in the crispbreads market through the Wasa brand.
As in the previous year, 2023 will also be affected by significant uncertainty due to the continued conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The situation is constantly monitored by the company directors and those of the subsidiaries in order to be able to face potential specific risks that currently are not fully preventable in the short/ medium-term. Our primary goal is to guarantee the continuity of the normal production cycle and the maximum safety in procuring raw materials.