A cult television campaign, it lasted seven years (and then was re-adapted and elaborated through time up until our days), in which an unforgettable music theme composed by Greek musician Vangelis (Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou, 1943-), arranged in different styles, accompanies the stories of families and affective relationships, in the total absence of dialogues except for the famous ending payoff line “Where there’s Barilla there’s home”, that makes the pasta the canter of family life and its symbol, as likewise of good tradition and of the best sentiments.
Agency: Young & Rubicam Italia
Creative director: Gavino Sanna
Art Director: Gavino Sanna and Roberto Fiamenghi
Copywriter: Andrea Concato
Directed by: Barry Kinsman
Director of photography: Hugh Johnson
TV Producer: Alessandra Ferrari
Production Company: Film Master
Music: “Hymne”, Vangelis
Arrangement: Oscar Prudente
Interpreters: Jean Marie Marion (protagonist), Barbara Bigazzi (woman in red), Lara Gomez (wife).
Location: Milan, Central Station; the Hills of Siena, Villa Nannini
Year: 1985
Duration: 1 x 120”, 2 x 60”
ASB Code: BAR I Re 1985/1
Abstract: On a foggy day, a train arrives at the Milan Central Station. A man wrapped in his trench coat comes out of the wagon in an almost deserted station and looks around as if he was waiting for someone; in the surroundings a couple is embracing passionately. He exchanges a glance of understanding with the woman wearing a red dress. He looks at a the expensive watch on his wrist, makes a telephone call from a cabin but the number he called does not answer; so he exits the station and finds his shiny car. The trip back home begins: from a cold and foggy atmosphere the spot changes to sunny roads with trees among hills and cultivated wheat fields. The tarred road ends and turns into a white dusty road. The man enters the courtyard of his home, a remodeled farm, and opens the entrance door but still no one is there to welcome him. All rooms and corridors are apparently empty. From a closed door a light filters towards the corridor. The man enters and finds the windows open and the curtains waving in the wind and a glass of whiskey on the table. He goes towards the kitchen where there are Barilla products. He takes a box of spaghetti with the intention to cook a dish for himself but, probably attracted by the voices, he enters another room where he finds a large group of friends awaiting for him together with his wife who welcomes him with an affectionate hug. He is still holding in his hands behind his back the pack of pasta and while nobody sees him he jokingly bites the box: a clear signal to his wife who smiles in complicity from the other end of the hall.
E. GROSSI, Pop jingles, in "Vinile" - n. 5-2016 (ed. Sprea).