2’30” BN TV 35
Agency: Young & Rubicam
Creative director: -
Art Director: -
Copywriter: -
Directed by: Mauro Bolognini
Director of photography: Ennio Guarnieri
TV Producer: -
Production Company: Montagnana
Music: respective authors of the various songs
Arrangement: -
Interpreters: Massimo Ranieri
Location: Rome, Studio De Paolis
Year: 1972
Duration: 150”
ASB Code: BAR I Re 1972/1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Abstract: In each commercial of the series, Massimo Ranieri tells an “anecdote” that happened to him in his youth and that was for him a real “trial by fire”; to each memory is tied a song: “Io e te” (you and I) , “Rose Rosse” (red roses) , “’O sole mio”, “Pietà per chi ti ama” (have mercy of one who loves you), “Guapparia” (Criminality), “Adagio veneziano” (Venetian song), “Cronaca di un amore (chronicle of a love)”, “’O surdato ’nnammurato” (the soldier in love), “Jesus”, “Via del Conservatorio” (the street of the Conservatory)… At the end of the song he then goes to the kitchen where Barilla pasta is almost ready, the only pasta that can stand the “trial by fire”, that is a double cooking, in water and then in a skillet on open fire.