2’30” BN TV 35
Agency: CPV
Creative director: Mario Belli
Art Director: Mario Belli
Copywriter: Francesco Alberoni
Directed by: Antonello Falqui
Director of photography: -
TV Producer: Paolo Limiti
Production Company: Gigante
Music: authors of the various songs
Arrangement: -
Interpreters: Mina Mazzini
Location: Rome, Filming Studios
Year: 1966
Duration: 150”
ASB Code: BAR I Re 1966/1-2-3-4-5-6
Abstract: In the new advertising campaign Mina proposes a new look with fluent hairstyles and elaborate dresses. The songs are always on the theme of love: in “No” she stands among the musicians and also hints at some dance moves; in “Era vivere” (it was living) and in “Se tu non fossi qui” (if you were not here) she is shot in extreme close ups; in “Addio” (good bye) and in “Ora o mai più” (now or never) we find her in the hall of a luxurious palace. At the end of each song Mina presents Barilla Pasta. At first she appears next to the logo and states: «Barilla. B like Beautiful cooking » (1); then the camera focuses on her hand caressing the boxes of pasta while an out of field voice explains: «Barilla, a touch of high cuisine in the simple dishes of every day, Every day you can make a masterpiece of cooking together, you… and Barilla». At the end of the spot Mina appears on scene from behind a box and says: «There is a great cook in you and Barilla brings it out».
(1) See the note to the previous entry
E. GROSSI, Mina a Carosello, in "Vinile" - n. 9-2017 (ed. Sprea).