Mina (Testimonial) : “Saccundì saccundà” 1

Data: 1969


BAR I Re 1969 00005


Marca: Barilla
Prodotto: Semolina Pasta


2’30” BN TV 35



Agency: McCann Erickson
Creative director: -
Art Director: -
Copywriter: Francesco Alberoni
Directed by: Enrico Sannia
Director of photography: Ennio Guarnieri
TV Producer: Nino Vanoli
Production Company: Gamma Film
Music: authors of the various songs
Arrangement: -
Interpreters: Mina Mazzini
Location: Rome
Year: 1969
Duration: 150”
ASB Code: BAR I Re 1969/1-2-3-4-5
Abstract: In this series of commercials as in the previous ones, the cameraman “sneaks in” behind the scenes of a club where Mina is giving a concert. Through the crowd of people we can see her while she is performing on a small stage on the same level as the audience. Many of the cuts are unusual and particularly suggestive, in line with the style of the author, the famous advertising director Enrico Sannia. Mina sings: “Quand'ero piccola” (when I was a child), “Vorrei che fosse amore” (I wish it was love), “Niente di niente (nothing of nothing)”, “La canzone di Marinella” (Marinella’s song), “Sacumdì sacumdà”. At the end of end of each song the jingle “Whoever chooses Barilla has a good start” begins while two feminine hands take Barilla Pasta from the shelf of a store and put it in a boiling pot. The speaker reminds the public that Barilla Pasta can be found in different formats, both as egg pasta and as Durum wheat pasta.

E. GROSSI, Mina a Carosello, in "Vinile" - n. 9-2017 (ed. Sprea).