Gusto del mezzogiorno – Nuovo soggetto

Data: 1981, 1


BAR I Re 1981 00008


Marca: Barilla
Prodotto: Semolina Pasta
Diffusione: TELEVISION



Agency: TBWA
Creative director: Marco Mignani
Art Director: Paolo Licci
Copywriter: Sabina Colloredo
Directed by: Film 1: Enrico Sannia. Film 2: Luigi Montaini Anelli
Director of photography: Film 1: Claudio Collepiccolo. Film 2: Johnny Morrice
TV Producer: Stefano Patrizi (1981) - Stefano Patrizi? (1982)
Production Company: CBN
Music: -
Arrangement: -
Interpreters: -
Location: -
Year: 1981-1982
Duration: 15”, 30”, 60”
ASB Code: BAR I Re 1981/2-3-4-5-6-7-8 - 1982/1
Abstract: While the clock of the bell tower rings at 12.30, in a small town the children come out of school and workers close their shops to go back home to have lunch with the family. The following year the campaign was proposed again, but in the setting of a more realistic city environment. «With Barilla pasta you can find the taste of midday anew. Barilla, 93 special formats of pasta, always al dente».