Pussy Cat

Data: 1986


BAR I Rf 1986 00003


Marca: Barilla


Cinema version of the spot Bar I Re 1986 8



Agency: Young & Rubicam
Creative director: Gavino Sanna
Art Director: Gavino Sanna
Copywriter: Andrea Concato
Directed by: Norman Griner
Director of photography: Norman Griner – Victor Hammer
Executive Producer: Alessandra Ferrari
Production Company: Film Master
Music: “Hymne”, Vangelis
Arrangement: Oscar Prudente
Interpreters: Sara Falzone (child), Francesco Ambrosoli (father), Patrizia Nuppieri (mother)
Location: Bracciano, external location
Year: 1986
Duration: 60”
ASB Code: BAR I Re 1986/8

Abstract: On a rainy day, a girl with long tresses showing from under the hood of a yellow raincoat, is late at the end of the school day and misses the school bus. She then starts to go home on foot under the rain in the streets of town. She has fun looking around and jumping into puddles. At home her parents are starting to worry, while water is boiling in a pot. During her walk, the little girl meets a little cat drenched by the rain and she does not hesitate one moment: she picks it up and shelters it under her raincoat. She arrives at home very late and her parents, taking a breath of relief, welcome the new little guest and prepare for him a bowl of milk.

E. GROSSI, Pop jingles, in "Vinile" - n. 5-2016 (ed. Sprea).