Series of Packages Ringo Goal Cacao.
Data: 2005
PAV I N 2005 00007
Marca: Pavesi
Series of Packages Ringo Goal Cacao.
For Reproductions contact The Historical Archive.
Ask for information
You request has been succesfully submitted. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Request for high-resolution images/videos or files included in the webpages
The system allows asking for high-resolution videos and images and files attached to the pages by filling in an automatic form where it’s required to include the reason for usage.
The use of the material is allowed only for corporate purposes.
To receive the file it’s necessary to fill in a proper form. Every application corresponds to a single file. Here is the description of the form voices:
- Name and Surname: specify name and surname.
- Email: specify the email address to which it’s possible to send information regarding the request (preferably the Barilla email address).
- Telephone: specify the telephone number to which it’s possible to contact the applicant for providing information about the request.
- Deadline: specify the date by which the file is needed.
- Reason: specify the reason for the application. The use of the file has to comply with the Disclaimer guidelines.
- Disclaimer: the applicant has to accept the disclaimer that specifies the limits of the file’s usage.
Once the request is sent, the applicant can be contacted through the email address or telephone number reported into the form in order to collect further information.
The applicant will be provided with the file, ideally by the deadline, in the best resolution available and it will be downloadable through the link contained in the email that will be sent.
For further information, please address to [email protected]